HPS events

Job Offer - We are hiring!

  • HPS ACIM Hydro is recruiting for Accounting and Control Manager.
  • Click below for more information:
  • Responsable Comptabilité et Contrôle de Gestion
  • HPS ACIM Hydro
  • Novacieries - 1 Rue des VAB
  • 42400 Saint Chamond
  • Please send your application to: finance@acimhydro.fr
  • If you have any questions, please contact us by phone: +33 (0) 4 77 36 66 88
  • "After twenty-five years of activity, HPS ACIM Hydro has seventeen employees and wishes to continue to develop in the market of taylor made hydraulic cylinder."
  • We look forward to receiving your application!
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Job Offer - We are hiring!